The video from Des Racines et Ailes. is lovely and informative, even if you don't speak French
More on natural dyes at Botanical Colors.
This blog is about the refashion aesthetic that considers issues of sustainability, ethics, environment, health, street up credit, neo-economics, collaborative infrastructures, beauty, fun and whatever else is of real value. In choosing to design with respect and responsibility, I am choosing to design for the possible world..the world I want for my child and his 2 children.
Not only will Patagonia be putting used clothes back into circulation, but it also won’t profit from any of the transactions.
The program is groundbreaking for several reasons. Not only will Patagonia be putting used clothes back into circulation, which could cannibalize new sales, but it also won’t profit from any of the transactions. Patagonia, Chouinard adds, is the first company to ask its customers to take a formal pledge to reduce consumption and keep products out of the landfill or incinerator."