Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanks to

at SCCC lecture on sustainable fashion
- change is in our hands

on screen-Kimmi Designs at Sustainable Ballard Festival Sept. '09
everyone working to make earth the home we feel welcome in.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Montana 1 for fashionRIP

Re-use and renmnant skirt. The perk of having been in custom biz means i have a lot of left over fabrics. The pain of being in custom is those bits and pieces are stacked in crates everywhere!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Collective UK

-Bespoke collection
Jane dress

Have been learning about the Conscious Design Collective which was founded by Lucy Tammam. She is an eco aware designer that saw the best way to boost sustainable fashion was to organize. The collective started in 2008 and has 8 members that really get involved with putting on the shows (striving for 2 a year) though other sustainable designers are invited to participate.

" being part of the CDC allows us to share costs for Fashion Shows etc. Its also a good way for combining contacts." says Nicola of Beautiful Soul.

Lucy started Tamman her own label in 2007 and sees the collective as a good thing but says it needs a full time director to be really effective.

Well Seattle i am ready to try it here. Contact Kimmi Designs or email me,


Friday, November 6, 2009

the Victoria and Albert Museum

lecture oct 28th at SCCC -mom needs a tripod

along with people from the London College of Fashion joined forces to talk about ethical fashion October 27th..
Designers Sarah Ratty of Ciel, Christian Kemp-Griffin from Edun and Matilda Lee from the Ecologist were the guest speakers and the question of the day was “is green still the new black?”
The discussion was pointed towards trade and labor practices in the industry. The full house showed that people are aware and concerned.

However right now cheap clothing sales are rising. Quality and personal style are lost in the propaganda of a throw away world. Trouble is that when we throw away this world we pretty much go with it!

ignorance isn't bliss- its now just tacky denial.