Saturday, October 10, 2009

Words to Sentences

Monster Shop Shoot at the SB Fest

Kim and i started on the path to organize the reFashionists, the recycouturiers, upcyklers, altClothiers and the slew of eco and green order to help each other with information, do shows, buy bulk (great for the tee trade) and generally get the word out that we are the leaders in fashionable change. (and to get some language down )

Sustainable fashion is a treasure chest of possibilities. Our choices in spending and earning, in work and play influence the larger picture. As we educate each other about the connective reality of life and forgive the lack of knowledge that got us to the edge of disasters, we will participate less and less in the old madness. If we see the alt path clearly, we will follow it.

Sustainable Clothing is a choice that can be independent of the wastemaking cult right now! The new designers and the new textiles are making it easier every day. As we enable research and economic viability for the changes to continue and grow, they will.

And that is a very good thing.

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