Friday, May 18, 2012

Permanently Pressed

Formaldehyde is one of those insidious chemical killers that have been normed for "modern" living. Check it out!!

Clothing that is wrinkle free may save time and energy up front but in the long run it  is a gamblers trade out for cancer, asthma, allergies....

This is how the "good for corporations" (profit focus) over "good for people" (life/health focus) is killer. Giving so much power to a monetary construct that needs growth and losers, has gobbled up our "commons." Our common sense, air, water, soil, connectivity, etc. has all been compromised.

This is silly human antic crap from great heights but frustrating, maddening, scary stupid at street level.

Common sense says to stop killing each other. Profit says fear, scarcity, hype and a fast get away make money. The profit game stops when there is nothing left to take. Its win threatens diversity of life. Diversity aids creativity, creativity is how we adapt. Seems to me we  need that now more than ever.

Besides, being pawns of a system built on false beliefs is just wrong. That is a permanent depress.

EEEWWWW and it will eventually contaminate everything.

AKA the price of our current systems pathology may be at the expense of our very ability to be thriving amazing creatures. This focus on a shallow gamer world view sabotages other plans. This, at a time when we need to be open to the whole of our "beingness."  We are biological forms infused with cosmic energy, born of stars, we are more than our sum, we are...?

Let's go there! Explore our potential, maximize possibilities and amaze ourselves. I mean the alt just sucks, surely we don't want to go down that drain. Thrive chickadees, escape the cage, fly and find who you are, enter becoming!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Open Sew

Yesterday i committed to starting this project in front of my two "what is the meaning of life" friends. Now I will not let them, myself and the Kerf mix and match troupe of volunteers, down. Saying things out loud is  good, saying them out loud in front of people you care about is better. (One more for the social impact connection)

Open Sew is a free community resource. I will be there from 4-6:30 pm every Wednesday to answer your sewing questions, help pattern layouts, unravel the language of the stitch, help with projects and talk eco fashion merits over fast fashion markets.

You may bring your own machine or you may use one on location. The wonderful people from Sew Up Seattle have contributed machines and notions for that purpose. Others have donated fabrics. You see, there is a lot of stuff to play with, all that is missing is -you!

Learning to sew is a great way to exprss yourself, is useful and time saving, carbon and waste not friendly (in house repairs cover that green boast legitimately :-) and promotes the can do spirit that often gets stuck in one lane via a society of experts suffering from tunnel vision.

I named 2012 the year of transition and healing. As of today, i believe this is on track. I feel a convergence zone of spirit, compassion, past and present forming. Is this the power of love? I believe so and i am putting everything on it. Still walking the tightrope without a net......still moving!

On the fence? Consider:

Sewing can be an asset to interdisciplinary meta learning that enables us to see how we connect to else. This sounds lofty perhaps, but seriously, fashion history is full of politics and economic nonsense. Fabrics, dyes, patterns and planned obsolescence have threads that permeate multiple membranes (toxic infiltrators and more...truly a sci fi non fiction tale in unfolding!)

 Sewing is a way to reenter the world of texture, analog color, sound and even scent- to restore the vastly superior sensory model we were born to use. Digital plusses are many but should be accessories, not the garment of life.
Kerf International Exhibits Cancelled until further notice...
Wallingford Center
1815 n 45th st
bus routes 44 and 16, free parking
Wednesdays 4:00 to 6:30 pm
206 545 4994 ( please leave a "real" message)
with OPEN SEW as the subject.
PS Starting soon , had a set back write if you want info thnx